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Category: fun events

Dot Day Google Hangout 2018

Posted in fun events, picture book lesson, reading skills, and technology

Ms. Shearman’s bilingual fifth graders had fun discussing Peter Reynold’s book, The Dot, with Ms. Lintelman’s bilingual fifth graders at McWhorter Elementary in Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD last Thursday!  We set up Google Hangouts on my MacBook in the library to ask each other critical thinking questions about the book. It was fun getting another class’ perspective on the book. Check out our discussions below! Ms. Lintelman and I worked together to create a writing assignment the kids will share with each other. Friday was the official International Dot Day, and  both classes wrote about how they encouraged someone like Vashti did in the story or how someone encouraged them. We’re going to mail the papers so the other class can read them. We also discussed collaborating some more with these two classes later in the year. Fun!

Learn more about International Dot Day here:

Dot Day

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dot day gho 2018

Writing Assignment


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