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Tag: kindness

Seeds of Kindness

Posted in character education, picture book lesson, and technology

I had second grade predict what the rabbit and mouse would do when the threatening birds approached in the gorgeous book, If You Plant a Seed. They are happily munching away on the fruits and vegetables from their garden when the birds approach with menacing looks. Among the ‘hide your fruits and vegetables’ and ‘hurry and eat them’, a couple of kids thought of the idea to share them. We discussed the power of a kind deed and brainstormed ways they could show an act of kindness before they left school that day. I gave them the maple seed model pattern and they were to write an act of kindness on that seed and then they let the seeds float up and away. Hopefully, it gave them something to think about as they ended their day in the library.


seeds lesson

act of kindness

looping forward/backward video by Boomerang

1 Make a Whirly Seed

2 Write a kind deed you can do on the seed

3 send it flying into the world

Spinning Seed Instructions

Make a Seed Spinner

NASA Rotor Motor Seed Pattern 

Technology Station

seed racer




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