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Tag: media literacy

Media Literacy with 4th Grade

Posted in nonfiction lesson, and TTESS 1819

Fourth graders analyze media by scrutinizing fake websites, identifying propaganda techniques in commercials, finding the purpose of print ads, differentiating between formal and informal language, explaining how design elements of advertising affect the viewer (pacing, sound), spotting scams and hoaxes and more in the Jackson Library. In this video, they are exploring the website Edumosis and discussing whether this app should be purchased or not and why. This involves critical reading and they find out something interesting when scrolling to the bottom to read the disclaimer!

This lesson is in the 12-10-18 portion of the 4th grade section of my media literacy minute Google Slides on my Media Literacy blog page link below.

4th TEK 14 Reading/Media Literacy – Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning. 

A) explain positive and negative impacts of advertisement techniques genres of media to impact consumer behavior

B) explain how various design techniques (pacing, close-ups, sound effects)  used in media influence the message

C) compare various written conventions used in digital media (language in formal e-mail vs language in a web-based article) 

media literacyLessons
media lit
Media Literacy TEKS

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