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Tag: Dr. Seuss

What Was I Scared Of?

Posted in character education, holiday, and reading skills

Third grade read the unusual Dr. Seuss book, What Was I Scared Of? in the Jackson Library last week. We used context clues to determine the meanings of unknown words and analyzed the character’s actions. We also connected the story to February’s character trait, compassion. The kids loved this story and it gave them quite a bit to think about when it comes to how we should treat people who are unusual.


What Was I Scared Of?


There’s a Zackson at Jackson!

Posted in holiday

Last week in the Jackson Library, second graders read There’s a Wocket in My Pocket (we used the read aloud app because the creatures make cute noises) by Dr. Seuss. Inspired by the adorable creatures, the kids created their own creatures to hide in different places that rhyme. Fun! Check out their creations!


Click on the book to read it! 

Book titled 'A Book Created by 2nd Graders'Read this book made on StoryJumper
Theres a Wocket activity
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