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Tag: science

Tracking a Hurricane

Posted in current events, picture book lesson, and science

Fifth graders learn how to track a hurricane after reading A Storm Called Katrina. We discussed Louis Armstrong and listened to his cornet skills.  I showed them some elephant ear plants and we discussed why we are reading this story now and not in January. We talked about coordinates and mapped out Katrina’s path.  The author’s use of imagery and foreshadowing was the reading focus of the lesson. We discussed what a levee is and showed photos of a levee break. The kids turned and talked with each other at their tables about the one thing they would grab if their home was about to flood. The author is very good at making the reader empathize with Louis and his family. You could tell the kids were really thinking about what the people in Louisiana had to endure and the resilience of the parishes rebuilding after every disaster. 



storm called katrina book

photos Katrina lesson

Reading TEKS

elephant ear plants




Tracking  a Hurricane

Teacher’s Guide

Read Aloud on Safeshare

Hurricane Tracking 

Track that Hurricane

Hurricane Tracking clearer

NOAA chart – use for copy center

Hurricanes now 2019

Aim a Hurricane game

Second Grade Shadow Stations

Posted in science

Ms. Hillier’s class explored shadow stations in the Jackson Library. After reading The Black Rabbit and discussing shadows, the kids rotated through library stations.

The Black RabbitClick for Review

Science TEKS

shadow stations

The Black Rabbit Read Aloud

My Shadow Stations Questions

Station 1 – sun simulation
Materials – rabbit stuffed animal, flashlight, Black Rabbit Stu Sheet AK

  • position the light on the rabbit like the sun is in the morning – draw the shadow
  • position the light above the rabbit like it is noon – observe the shadow
  • position the light like the sun is setting- draw the shadow

Station 2- Shadowbox 

Materials- cut the bottom off a paperbox, wrap w butcher paper, get large lantern light, miscellaneous objects

  • stu hold up objects with the light behind it
  • stu take turns guessing the objects

Station 3 – Computers

shadow computer game

Station 4- ComputersPeep Shadow Play


My Google Site Shadow Stations from when I was at Ogle

Nancy Jo Lambert Shadow Stations Site

Guess the Shadow Video


Lindsey Stirling Shadow Song
Lindsey Stirling Shadow Song


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