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Month: August 2020


Posted in remote learning

Thanks to Jimmy Fallon for this get-to-know-you remote learning lesson idea! Using only six words, fourth and fifth graders summarized their summer in the Jackson Library Google Classroom.


Jimmy Fallon six words


stu response summer 1
stu smp spa
summer six stu2
c 345
I had my washing machine flood my house which required a restoration company, insurance company, and several contractors so mine was…
flood six+++
What are your six words to describe your summer?

Make A Digital Name Plate

Posted in remote learning, and technology

Thanks to Spark Creativity, Betsy Mork, for her digital name tent idea and Google Drive template! The fourth and fifth graders are loving it during remote learning! Just post in your Google Drive, share it with your students, and share the link to it in your Google Classroom! The kids love it. Check out their creativity! 

STEPS to post this assignment to your Google Classroom:

  1. Download the zip file to your C Drive
  2. Choose the Google Drive Editable Printable file
  3. Click the ENABLE EDITING button
  4. Right click on the assignment link
  5. Choose OPEN LINK
  6. It will ask: Would you like to make a copy? Click the blue MAKE A COPY BUTTON of Hi My Name Is
  7. The template will open. Click on the name of the file and rename it for your class
  8. Go to your Google Classroom
  9. Click the black +CREATE button
  10. Choose ASSIGNMENT
  11. Create the title and type the instructions
  12. Click ADD LINK
  13. Paste the link to the renamed assignment in your Google Drive. If you can’t find the link, click SHARE again on the assignment in Google Drive to get it, copy it, and go to ADD (paperclip) under your assignment description and paste the link. 
  14. When you add the assignment link, be sure to use the drop down menu next to it to choose EACH STUDENT WILL GET A COPY
  15. each stu gets copy
  16. Change the menu settings on the right: 
  17. TOPIC: Is Week (1): August 17-21
  19. STUDENTS ASSIGNED – I don’t assign it to certain stu
  20. AT THE TOP: Click black ASSIGN button to get the pull-down menu
  21. assign menu button
  22. Choose SCHEDULE and set the date you want the students to receive the assignment
  23. schedule
  24. If you change your mind when you want it to be assigned, you can go back to the black ASSIGN button and go to SCHEDULE and change the date.

betsy mork name tent

name tent
name tent
name tent
name plate

Check out Betsy’s awesome blog!

spark creativity blog


Story from Space! Kahoot Remote Learning!

Posted in games, picture book lesson, and reading skills

Did you know? You can assign a Kahoot game to be played when students have time during remote learning? Did you know? Astronauts provide read alouds in space! Here’s the info: 

Story Time from Space

Here’s an astronaut reading the book: If I Were an Astronaut.

Story Time from Space: If I Were an Astronaut read aloud

Here’s how to play the asynchronous Kahoot game:


  1. Log in to your Kahoot account.
  2. Create the Kahoot
  3. Synchronous:  Choose for virtual classrooms 
  4. Asychronous: Choose for self-paced learningKahoot synchronous or asynchronous
  5. Choose the start end date time frame. Choose other settings. Make sure it says ‘Challenge’ instead of ‘Game’. Challenge means on their own time and Game is to play live. 

Assign challenge time frame due dates

6. Copy the URL to give to the kids. 


copy the URL to send to the kids


Here’s the game I made for the kids to play to go with If I Were an Astronaut:

Asynchronous Kahoot game for If I Were an Astronaut
If I Were an Astronaut quiz

astronaut read aloud

Meet the Teacher-Librarian! Make Your Own GIF!

Here’s how you can make your own GIF to put in Google Slides:

  1. Record yourself doing something. Be sure you make all of the movements similar so the start and end loop don’t look strange.


2. Upload it to a GIF-maker app. Mac offers these in their app store:








3. Upload the GIF to the Unscreen web app and remove the background.


Use Unscreen web app to remove the GIF background
Use Unscreen web app to remove the GIF background

4. Upload your finished file to Lunapic. Choose ANIMATIONS from the menu at the top. Click EDIT GIF animation. Click drop down menu next to LOOPING and choose how many times you want the GIF to loop. Click APPLY. 


Lunapic video editor

5. SAVE it and import it into Google Slides.

You can move it and resize it there.



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